

How does the editing in 'Transporter 3 Trailer' construct a relationship between the characters

I choose to anaylse this trailer because it is fast paced and includes a huge number of shots and techniques of editing. The pace of the trailer is so fast that i have not been able to count to a correct number of shots, but i have a estimation of about 90 shots within the first minute of the trailer.
Because the film is all about a character who drives a car transporting a character who is also the package, the relationship between both characters is close, as the viewer watching the trailer finds out they cannot go a certain distance from the car else they die.

Their are soo many shots of the car moving, for example a car Point of View shot at 0:55, a low angled shot at 0.53 and a birds eye view of the car at 0.54, as you can tell by the 3 camera shots in 3 seconds it shows that the trailer is fast paced from changing camera shots.


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